
Film stars Jabarin and Yalon
Photo: Vered Adir

Israeli film on suicide bomber to open Moscow festival

Internationally-acclaimed festival to dedicate full day of events to film, marking another overseas showbiz success for Israel

The Israeli film "For My Father" by director Dror Zehavi has been chosen to open the 30th Moscow International Film Festival on July 19. The festival, founded by Russian director Nikita Mikhailov, is considered among the 10 most important film festivals in the world.


A whole day will be dedicated to the film, including a special screening for the critics and a press conference with the director and leading actors Shredi Jabarin and Hili Yalon.


The film takes place over a weekend, when Tarek, a young Arab, embarks on a suicide mission in Tel Aviv’s Carmel Market, and finds out his belt switch has short-circuited.


He is forced to remain in Tel Aviv while searching for a new switch (with the suicide belt still on him), and meets 17-year-old Karen, a local kiosk vendor, who is ostracized by her family for turning her back on religion.


Another Israeli representative at the festival, though not in competition, is “A Weekend in the Galilee,” a new film by Academy-award nominee director Moshe Mizrachi.


פרסום ראשון: 06.11.08, 13:58
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