The Knesset's State Control Committee ordered the formation of a State commission of inquiry Monday in order to investigate the causes for the major water crisis Israel faces. The motion to form a State commission of inquiry – a rare move by the Control Committee – was carried 12 to 15, with no objections. State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss, whose support is needed to form any State commission of inquiry, gave his unequivocal support for the move. The future commission is to be tasked with investigating the failures that led the various Israeli governments to disregard dozens of reports and recommendations drafted by professional committees formed throughout the years and compiling a series of short and long-term recommendations that would ensure that Israel's water supply would remain intact. In the red. Sea of Galilee (Photo: Amit Magal) The commission's codex is to be form by State Control Committee Chairman MK Zevulun Orlev (NRP). "The water crisis is the result of a series of governmental failures…Over the years, the governments chose to give precedence to immediate financial considerations over allocating the necessary funds to create desalination facilities, rehabilitating the water aquifers, implementing an effective water-economizing plan and reclaimed drainage water. "I can only hope this commission will operate with the due urgency and submit recommendations that could be implemented immediately," said Orlev. National Infrastructure Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer added that Israel "is in the midst of the biggest water crisis it has ever known. The 2007-2008 droughts were severe, and we only got about 65% of the expected rainfall. "The Israeli Water Authority has formed an emergency contingency plan, which can pull Israel out of its water crisis." Ben-Eliezer recounted the lack of action taken by pervious governments: "I demand this commission investigate the actions taken by the Ministry of National Infrastructure, first and foremost. "I want the commission to assign clear blame and state the reasons for it," he said, adding that it was high-time the ministry stop using the budget as an excuse for lack of action.