Kuntar was imprisoned in an Israeli jail for murdering three members of the Haran family and policeman Eliyahu Shahar. The show celebrating the convicted murderer's release A included special guests and a band. According to the GPO announcement, the office manager of al-Jazeera in Beirut,called Kuntar a hero.
GPO Director Daniel Seaman informed the network’s representative in Israel, Walid al-Omari, of the sanctions.
Al-Omari, however, claimed the show was a mishap currently being examined by al-Jazeera. According to Seaman, al-Omari said the network immediately launched an internal inquiry into the incident.
Al-Omari reportedly said that the investigation has not yet been completed and that its findings will be submitted to the GPO director immediately after their publication.
Seaman said he plans to approach other governmental offices and ask them not to provide services to the most popular television network in the Arab world as a result of the incident.
“It is unfathomable that the network will continue receiving services from the Israeli government, while its people praise the murderer of an Israeli policeman and a family, including a four-year old child," Seaman told Ynet. "We are not obligated to provide these kinds of services tp a body like this.”
Seaman also said he was seeking a clarification from the network's management regarding the issue
A few months ago, the Foreign Ministry took measures against the network for its one-sided policies while covering the events in the territories, but since the tensions were somewhat relieved.