
Tasa. Unstoppable
Photo: Studio Avidan
Enter the spirit of Elul
Photo: Israel Bardugo

The child of Selichot

Meydad Tasa, 'whiz kid' of oriental-Hasidic music, releases album of prayers ahead of Yom Kippur. Ynet brings you 'Adon Haselichot,' included in one of CD's eight tracks

After David D'Or's version of "Adon Haselichot" in his unusual soprano, a new adaptation of the famous hymn has been released with another special soprano voice – this time of a youth.


Meydad Tasa, the "whiz kid" of oriental-Hasidic music, released a new album called "Selichot" ahead of the month of Elul (12th month of the Jewish year), and Ynet invites you to listen to a few tracks.


Apart from the "Adon Haselichot" hymn, the CD also includes many other prayers such as "Anenu" and "Shema Yisrael."


Tasa, who is only 14.5 years old, fails to take a rest, releasing one album after another. He worked on his new album with his personal manager, Aviad Gil, in between performances at events or hotels.


The CD includes eight tracks of songs, which provide new adaptations to the well-known hymns.


"My goal is for this CD to reach every Jewish house brought up on the tradition of Selichot," says Gil. "We did not spare, and made an effort to dwell upon every detail so that the production reaches a good level. This CD emphasizes the diversity in the color of Meydad's voice, which will stand out among similar albums being released at this time."


Tasa is accompanied by musical manager David Bitan, guitar and bouzouki player Arik Cohen, artist Haim Jarbi and drummer Yaniv Balas. And as usual, he has already started working on his new album.


פרסום ראשון: 09.08.08, 09:13
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