Gaza for Akko's Arabs: The various Palestinian organizations in the Gaza Strip held a support rally for the Arab resident of Akko on Sunday.
The rally was orchestrated by the Palestinian Research Center, which is affiliated with the Islamic Jihad, but members of various Palestinian groups gave speeches during the assembly.
Dr. Muhammad al-Hindi, a senior member of Islamic Jihad said that "the events in Akko bring our people closer to victory, closer to removing the occupying entity that calls itself Israel… the Zionist entity claiming to be a democracy, is upholding racist policies against out people in occupied Palestine.
"It is a racist nation, second to none," he added, "and 62% of the Israelis support these racist polices."
'Victory is near'
The various calls for a peaceful coexistence are nothing but a diversion tactic, continued al-Hindi, and are an attempt to conceal an official policy of racism, practiced by the law enforcement and judicial systems in Israel.
"This is nothing but racism, which stems from their blind hatred and what they call their Talmud," he said.
Dr. Salah Bardawil, a Hamas spokesman, called the Akko riots "an exercise in ethnic cleansing, which the Israelis aren't even trying to hide. All the talks about a Jewish State, that started at the Annapolis Summit with American support, are indicative of the intent to drive Arabs off their land.
"We warned the Palestinian negotiations against this trap. Annapolis was all about creating a pure Zionist state. The Zionists are trying to force their beliefs on our people. We call on the Palestinians to stop the unnecessary peace talks, which only help the Zionists carry out their plans."
Al-Hindi and other Palestinian officials congratulated the Arab residents of Akko on their actions, issuing a joint statement which said, "We say to our people in Akko – Israel will disappear. Allah will provide the victory and it is close. We say to our people in Akko – all the schemes have failed. All the plans to divide our people, as seen in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and in Palestine, occupied since 1948 – have failed."
Popular Resistance Committees spokesmen Abu Abir and Abu Mujahid condemned what they called "crimes portrayed against the Palestinians," and pledged their support to the Palestinian residents of the northern city.
They too, promised that "victory is near. The organizations' response to the events in Akko will make the Zionist enemy tremble. Palestine is for Palestinians and Muslims."