
Running man. Mofaz
Photo: Yaron Brener

Kadima attorney rejects bid to secure Mofaz place on roster

Legal advisor says party's code forbids practice. 'Any change in the primaries' system requires a full referendum,' he adds

Kadima's legal advisor, Attorney Eitan Haberman, said Tuesday that after examining the party's code it seems Kadima will not be able to secure the second slot on its roster for Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz.


Following Mofaz's loss to Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni in the primary elections to succeed Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, many in the party demanded his position in Kadima's Knesset roster be secured without an additional election. 


"Securing positions is impossible. We would have to change the system in order to do that and such a move would require a members' referendum," Haberman told Ynet.


Kadima is not the only party wavering on its Knesset rosters: Sources in the Likud have expressed concerns about possible political maneuvers party Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu may introduce in order to include the party's "stars" in the list.


Tensions in Labor are rising as well: Party Secretary-General MK Eitan Cabel announced on Monday that he and Labor Chairman Ehud Barak intend to decide on a new primaries system by the end of the week.


"These are people's fates we are dealing with here," he told Labor members in the party's weekly meeting. "We can't just string them along."


פרסום ראשון: 10.28.08, 20:57
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