
To be or not to be?

Hamlet coming to Israel

German theatre group to put on four performances of classic Shakespeare play next month

English speakers and Shakespeare fans in Israel can enjoy a special performance of one of the playwright's most popular tragedies – Hamlet.


The production will be arriving from Germany for four shows in Raanana, Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem this December.


In director Paul Stebbings's special interpretation, seven actors portray the main roles and additional parts in the tale. In this version of Hamlet the director and the actors place a special emphasis on the text, and the storyline.

Scene from the play


The play will be brought to Israel by the American Drama Group Europe and TNT Theatre.


The American Drama Group Europe was founded in 1978 by the American Grantly Marshall living in Munich, Germany.


The group started its way in cooperation with the University of Munich where it put on its first productions, and very quickly caught on and began performing across Germany, Europe and Asia.


The group includes actors from the United State, Britain and France, and puts on shows in French as well.


The group rehearses in New York and London, and its repertoire includes British, American and French classics.


TNT Theatre was founded by Paul Stebbings in 1980, and began collaborating with the American Drama Group Europe in 1993 with a number of big hits peaking at the prize winning production of Hamlet.


פרסום ראשון: 11.21.08, 07:57
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