
Qassam launching cell (archives)
Photo: Reuters

2 Palestinians dead in IDF strike in Gaza

Air Force attacks mortar shell launching cell; two teen brothers said to be killed, four injured

The Israel Air Force killed two Palestinian gunmen who fired mortar shells at the Kerem Shalom crossing on Tuesday afternoon. Four other men were injured in the strike, which took place east of the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah.


The Israel Defense Forces reported that IAF jets opened fire at the mortar launching cell and identified a hit. News agencies reported that the Palestinians were hurt in an area used by gunmen to fire mortars at Israel.


Sources in Gaza reported that the Palestinians killed were two brothers, aged 15 and 17, from the village of Shuka near Rafah, and that three of the injured were youths.


"The Palestinians have the right to retaliate this new Zionist crime," a spokesman for one of the Palestinian organizations said.


Several mortar shells landed Tuesday noon near the Kerem Shalom border crossing in southern Gaza. No injuries or damage were reported in the attack.


A Qassam rocket was fired at Israel on Monday, and landed in an open field near a kibbutz south of Ashkelon. No one was injured in this attack as well.


Regional Council Head Yair Farjun said that the rocket exploded some 200 meters from residents' houses.


Efrat Weiss contributed to this report


פרסום ראשון: 12.02.08, 15:19
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