
Common dark bread (archives)
Photo: Shaul Golan

Prices of subsidized bread drop by 2.7%

Finance, industry minister sign order reducing price of common dark bread, white bread to NIS 4.64 instead of NIS 4.75

The prices of subsidized bread were reduced Monday by 2.7%, following an announcement made Sunday by Zvia Dori, supervisor of prices at the Industry, Trade and Labor Ministry.


The announcement was made after Industry, Trade and Labor Minister Eli Yishai and Finance Minister Ronnie Bar-On signed an order reducing the prices of subsidized bread.


The price reduction was the result of the drop in the prices of wheat and fuel oil in world markets in recent months.


Dori noted that the calculation of the bread production cost showed that its price should be reduced by 7.42%, and that bakeries have simultaneously submitted a request to look into the profitability of producing subsidized bread.


The new bread prices starting Monday, VAT included, are:

Common dark bread, 750 grams – NIS 4.64 (about $1.17) instead of NIS 4.75 ($1.19)

White bread, 750 grams – NIS 4.64 ($1.17) instead of NIS 4.75 ($1.19)

Challa, 500 grams – NIS 5.07 ($1.28) instead of NIS 5.20 ($1.31)

Sliced common dark bread, 750 grams – NIS 6.96 ($1.75) instead of NIS 7.15 ($1.8)

White bread, 750 grams – NIS 6.19 ($1.56) instead of NIS 6.35 ($1.6)


In the middle of last month, Dori announced her recommendation to reduce the prices of subsidized bread by only 2.7%, following a recommendation issued by the inter-ministry pricing committee headed by the Finance Ministry.


Several days earlier, different reports said the prices of subsidized bread would be reduced by 5% to 10%, prompting various supermarket chains to drop their prices accordingly. The reduction was eventually significantly lower.


פרסום ראשון: 12.08.08, 09:30
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