
Barkat visits Western Wall (Archive)
Photo: Reuters

Jerusalem: Haredi party joins Barkat's coalition

United Torah Judaism, faction headed by Barkat's rival in elections Meir Porush, joins secular mayor's coalition. Newly-elected Barkat says also in talks with Shas

During the heated election campaign in Jerusalem, ultra-orthodox candidate Meir Porush and secular candidate Nir Barkat were at loggerheads over major issues concerning the capital, but it seems that when it comes to politics, no disagreement is too difficult to resolve.


Barkat, Jerusalem's newly-elected mayor announced Monday that Porush's faction, the haredi United Torah Judaism, has agreed to join his coalition.


As part of the coalition, the eight-member faction will get the deputy mayor position, as well as the ultra-Orthodox education portfolio, ultra-Orthodox society and youth portfolio and the sanitation portfolio.


The faction will also be responsible for public transportation in the haredi sector and its members will be represented in the district's Planning and Construction Committee.


About two weeks ago, Barkat presented a coalition made up of 18 council members from the Zionist factions. With the United Torah Judaism at his side, Barkat will enjoy the support of 26 council members out of 31.


Barkat said he was pleased with the recent development: "This is another step on the way to establishing a wall-to-wall coalition that would enable us to launch a unified struggle on Jerusalem's future and to focus on securing budgets, fundraising and reforms in areas that are important to all of us."


The mayor said that he was also in negotiations with Shas on joining the coalition.


פרסום ראשון: 12.08.08, 17:01
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