Riots in Athens
Photo: AP
Greek authorities contacted Israel this weekend with an urgent request for teargas grenades to be used against the wave of riots that broke out in the country last week, Athens police reported on Sunday.
A similar request was made to other countries, including Germany. It was reported that the country's entire teargas grenade inventory of 4,600 units was depleted.
This is not the first time the Greeks turn to Israel in an emergency. Last year Israel sent 55 firefighters to aid the Greeks in putting out the massive wildfires that spread out through the country.
A few days ago the Greek president presented the Israeli firefighters with merit awards in a ceremony held at the Greek Embassy in Israel.
Sources from the Israeli Embassy in Greece said the request for teargas grenades had not yet been made, but that it was possible the Greeks turned to private Israeli companies.
Israeli sources said the request was understandable due to the geographical proximity of the two countries and the fact that the Greek government is aware of Israel's large stock of crowd dispersal means including teargas grenades.