
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Photo: Reuters

Israeli indicted for contacting Iranian embassy

Mauricio Segal suspected of allegedly offering Iranian Embassy in Buenos Aires copies of his Israeli passport, ID for a fee

Cleared for publication: Mauricio Segal, an Israeli citizen, was arrested several weeks ago on suspicion of contacting an enemy agent.


Segal's arrest followed a joint Shin Bet and International Crimes Unit investigation.


According to the case file, Segal contacted the Iranian Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina about two years ago and offered them his cooperation in exchange for a fee.


The police allege that he provided his handlers with a copy of his Israeli ID and passport. Segal, said the case file, claims that he omitted his personal details from the documentation.


He did, however, offer to help the Iranians procure additional Israeli documentation items.


Segal was indicted by the Central District Prosecution on Thursday, on charges of contacting a foreign agent, divulging information to the enemy and illegal use of a passport.


פרסום ראשון: 01.15.09, 15:38
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