
Troops leaving Gaza after op
Photo: AP

Soldiers shoot Palestinian with grenade

IDF patrol shoots Palestinian approaching border fence with hand grenade after firing warning shots

IDF forces prevented an attack by a Palestinian man Thursday by firing shots that apparently killed the assailant. The Palestinian approached the border fence in southern Gaza and pulled out a hand grenade, which exploded when the troops fired at him.


At around 9 pm the man was spotted near the Sufa crossing, and Golani Brigade troops were alerted. They entered the Palestinian territory and called to the man to halt, but the latter pulled a grenade from his bag.


The IDF stated that the soldiers first fired warning shots in the man's direction, but he continued his approach until they were forced to shoot him. He was apparently killed by the explosion of the grenade he was holding.


The IDF stated that despite the low profile character of the incident, it testified to the need for high alert and preparation for any scenario near the Gazan border.


The Gaza Division has instructed soldiers operating near the Strip to treat any event in which a Palestinian approaches the border fence as an attempt to commit an act of terror, as the IDF is currently working under the assumption that Hamas and the other terror organizations plan to continue to carry out attacks against soldiers near the border.


Last week an IDF tracker was killed and another soldier was seriously injured when an explosive device exploded near the border fence.


On Tuesday the Air Force (IAF) bombed various targets in Gaza, in response to a Grad rocket attack in Ashkelon. A number of smuggling tunnels and a vehicle were struck in Rafah, as well as Hamas outposts in Beit Lahiya and Khan Younis.


Speaking at a conference during the strikes, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said, "I urge Hamas not to get smart with us, what was isn't what is going to be, the Grad that landed in Ashkelon will not be ignored without a response."


He added, "Hamas again has tired to sow death and destruction, and it was dealt a heavy and painful blow. Hamas will no longer be what it once was."


פרסום ראשון: 02.05.09, 22:43
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