Likud Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu
Photo: AFP

Kadima Chairwoman Tzipi Livni
Photo: Tal Shahar
The race for the premiership seems closer than ever according to a poll conducted by Yedioth Ahronoth in conjunction with Dr. Mina Zemach and the Dahaf Polling Institute.
Should the elections be held today, the Likud would win 25 mandates and Kadima – 23. Friday's poll, which is the last one that can be published prior to Tuesday's general elections, shows the political Right take a clear lead.
The poll also indicated that Yisrael Beiteinu stands to become the third largest party in the 18th Knesset with about 19 seats. Labor will win some 16 seats, making it the fourth largest party; Shas stands to have 10 mandates, United Torah Judaism follows with six, Meretz with five, Hadash stands to have four seats, as does the National Union, Habayit Hayehudi and United Arab List-Ta'al follow with three seats each and Balad stands to win two mandates.
The survey, held on Wednesday and Thursday spanned 1,000 people and a segmentation of the undecided votes as well as a sampling error of 2.6%.
According to the results' analysis, 65% of the undecided votes are women's. Women are also more likely to vote for Kadima, giving the party 13 mandates, as opposed to men, who only give it 10 seats. Shas is also favored by women voters and they constitute about two-thirds of its voters.
Yisrael Beiteinu Chairman Avigdor Lieberman is favored by the Russian sector, with up to 60% lending him their vote, translating it into 10 Knesset seats.
Israel's Green Party hovers near the election threshold, which is the minimum percentage of votes a party must get in order to have two mandates in the Knesset. The party is mostly favored by voters ages 18 to 25 and those 65 years and older.