Lieberman. 'Darkness of race-baiting'
Photo: Dudi Vaaknin
A petition initiated by Jewish university professors in the United States is calling on Likud
Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu
and Kadima
Chairman Tzipi Livni
not to enter a government with Yisrael Beiteinu
leader Avigdor Lieberman.
"Through his platform and his rhetoric Mr. Lieberman threatens Israeli society with the darkness of race-baiting, demagoguery and ultra-nationalism. We respect the right of Israeli citizens to elect their own political leadership, yet as supporters of a democratic state we cannot remain silent at this crucial time.
Coalition Talks
Attila Somfalvi
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We remember too well how democracies in the 20th century were brought down by anti-democratic leaders who came to power through popular elections," the petition reads.
The professors also warn that forming a coalition with Lieberman could significantly undermine the ties between American Jewry and the State of Israel.
"Granting Mr. Lieberman a senior ministerial post would endanger the foundations of Israel as a democratic state and delegitimize it in the eyes of the world. Such a government would be one that even Israel's friends would find increasingly difficult - if not impossible - to identify with or support."
The petition will be presented to Netanyahu and Livni this week.
'Israel depends on US Jews for moral, financial support'
According to Dennis Gaitsgory, a mathematician at Harvard University, without the support of American Jews, the international community will render Israel the same treatment it once gave South Africa during the apartheid regime.Gaitsgory organized the petition together with MIT Professor Josh Tenenbaum. Prominent Jewish lecturers from Cornell, Berkley, NYC, Wisconsin and Boston universities have already signed it, as well as major Jewish philanthropists.
"The State of Israel depends on the political, financial and moral support of American Jews," said Tenenbaum. By legitimizing Lieberman, he stated, Israel was distancing itself from democracy and risked straining its relations with US Jewry.