
Benjamin Netanyahu and wife Sara
Photo: AFP

Netanyahu family travels north

Prime minister, wife and two sons visit only open tourist sites during their Passover foray, so as not to disturb other visitors in area

Residents of Israel's north were surprised on Sunday by reports that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his wife Sara, and their two sons – Yair and Avner – would use the Passover holiday to take a trip to northern Israel.


The family chose to go to open tourist sites in order to limit the effects of the prime minister's security detail from adversely impacting other visitors.


The sites themselves are to be kept secret, but were chosen for their combination of history, archeology and scenery. The visit is expected to last a few hours, following which the family will return to their Caesaria home.

PM's family in the north (Photo: Avihu Shapira)


Northern residents expressed curiosity regarding the scope of the visit. In contrast to visits by other prime ministers to the north, there is a relatively low level of disruption, with the exception of increased security forces in the area.


It is expected that few disturbances will occur, particularly as streets and thoroughfares will not be closed. As mentioned, the sites themselves will also remain open.


Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his wife Aliza would often come to the north during Passover with two other couples, spending the 2008 holiday at a bed and breakfast in the Golan Heights.


פרסום ראשון: 04.12.09, 10:48
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