
One of CafeNeto's branches

CafeNeto to invest NIS 7M in new branches

Café chain planning to open four new branches, three of them this year

About eight months after the negotiations for the sale of CafeNeto to the Arcaffè chain failed, CafeNeto's owners, Shlomo Avras and Haim Malka, announced last week that they would be expanding the café chain.


The chain plans to open four new branches, three of them this year, at a total investment of NIS 7 million (about $1.7 million).


These days the chain is opening a branch on Tel Aviv's Ben-Gurion Street, at the Dyada center for pregnant women and babies. CafeNeto will replace the Lechem Erez branch which operated in the same place and was recently closed due to non-profitability.


CafeNeto is also expanding its deployment in fueling compounds, and will open a branch in the community of Bitan Aharon in the Hefer Valley Regional Council, in a retailers' compound established by Delek Real Estate. Today the chain had two branches in gas stations, one at the Plugot Junction near Kiryat Gat and the other in Dimona.


Another CafeNeto branch is expected to open at a mall being built by the Hatzi Hinam Group in Hod Hasharon. Another chain branch is planned to be launched at a new commercial center in the northern council of Ramat Yishai in more than a year's time.


The CafeNeto chain was founded 15 years ago and currently has 15 branches.


פרסום ראשון: 04.30.09, 14:54
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