
Photo: AP
Moustapha wants good relations with everyone
Photo: AP
Tehran riots. 'Double standards'
Photo: Faramarz Hashemi

Syrian ambassador to US 'not optimistic about peace talks'

Imad Moustapha addresses possible resumption of negotiations with Israel in CNN interview, says current situation 'is not positive'. He also accuses American administration of taking double standards by criticizing oppression of post-election riots in Iran but ignoring Israeli policy in Gaza

WASHINGTON – Syrian Ambassador to the United States Imad Moustapha expressed his pessimism Saturday night over the chances of resuming peace talks between his country and Israel, saying that the current situation was "not positive".


In an interview to the CNN television network, Moustapha accused the US of taking double standards by criticizing the oppression of post-election riots in Iran but ignoring Israel's policy in Gaza.


Despite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recent declarations, Syrian officials do not believe that Israeli government genuinely wants peace.


The situation now is not positive and we are not very optimistic, said Ambassador Moustapha. We will advance towards peace only when we reach the conclusion that Israel wants peace with its neighbors, he added.


The envoy reiterated the formula presented by Syrian President Bashar Assad, that full peace between the two countries would only be possible in return for a complete Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights.


Addressing the unrest in Iran following the disputed presidential elections, which was criticized by US President Barack Obama, Moustapha warned that this could harm the efforts to find a solution for the nuclear threat.


The US must exercise caution towards Iran, he said, adding that the situation put options of a dialogue at risk.


'Israel is killing Palestinians'

He said that the US was acting in a duplicitous manner in its criticism against Tehran. Violence is the result of unfortunate conditions, he stated, adding that what concerned him were the double standards taken by Washington in regards to Tehran. When there was a massacre in Gaza this was hardly mentioned, he claimed.


The US should show the same sensitivity towards all matters, not just when it matches its views, he accused. "You have excellent relations with Israel, Israel is killing Palestinians. What are you doing about it? Why do you have double standards?"


Iran was defined by the ambassador as a "very important country in the Middle East" and as a close friend of Syria. The world should let the Iranians take care of their internal affairs, he said, explaining that intervention was damaging the stability in the region.


Moustapha estimated that his country's relations with the Islamic republic would only intensify, but clarified that Damascus saw in the new administration in Washington an opportunity to strengthen its relations with the US – one of the reasons being President Obama's decision to reappoint an American ambassador to Syria.


The Syrian ambassador said his country wanted to have good relations with everyone, and did not view the US as an enemy. During the Bush era, he said, the US was very hostile towards Syria, "but the current president believes in interests."


There is an opportunity to advance the relations between the two countries in favor of the region, he concluded.


פרסום ראשון: 06.28.09, 07:34
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