Mayon. Detained near hostel
Micky Louis Mayon, one of the FBI's 100 most wanted criminals who was arrested in Tel Aviv on Monday, has told investigators of his case that he is currently residing in Israel with his Jewish girlfriend, and that she is pregnant with his child.
"He displayed naïveté, innocence, and fear – just the opposite of what the first impression of a Ku Klux Klan member brings to mind" an Israeli intelligence official who directed the operation leading to Mayon's arrest told Ynet. His unit had received intelligence from Interpol before carrying out the operation.
The Arrest
Adva Naftaly
Micky Louis Mayon wanted in US for belonging to KKK, torching cars belonging to federal judges; Interpol says he's been residing in Israel illegally since 2008
He said the unit had begun to plan the arrest immediately upon receiving the information, and as a first step they set up surveillance around the hostel at which Mayon was staying.
"When he arrived during the night we identified him and carried out the arrest. You could say he was pretty shocked," he said. "He was frightened, and asked for a glass of water to calm down." The official added that Mayon did not resist the arrest.
During his interrogation by immigration control agents Mayon asked to remain in Israel as he was expecting a child from his Jewish girlfriend. He said he had been subsisting on odd jobs and money sent to him by his parents.
But the question of why a person wanted for hate crimes would come to a Jewish state remains unanswered. "When I asked him what he was doing in Israel he said he had met the most amazing people he'd ever seen in his life here," the official recounted. "Maybe he arrived here by accident and stayed because he fell in love with the place."
Interior Ministry sources said the pregnancy would not prevent Mayon's extradition. One source said his story was dubious as the girlfriend had not appealed to the authorities in order to legalize his stay in Israel due to the pregnancy.