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Max Brenner store in Philadelphia
Photo: Christopher Gabello

Max Brenner opens chocolate bar in Philadelphia

Chain's new branch includes chocolate drinks, restaurant and store for chocolate and spa products. This is Max Brenner's third branch in US, 24th in world

A new chocolate bar was opened recently in Philadelphia by the Israel-based Max Brenner chain. This branch joins the chain's other 23 stores worldwide.


The Philadelphia chocolate bar, located on 1500 Walnut Street, has 115 seats. The bar is a store for chocolate products, which sells chocolate drinks like martini for truffle lovers and white chocolate with ginger and vodka.


In addition to the menu, which was adapted to the local taste, one can also purchase designed tools and spa products.


The entrance to the new store has huge containers with milk and white chocolate (for display only) connected to pipes reaching the bar, which is used to prepare chocolate drinks.


The Max Brenner chain was founded in 1996 by Max Pichtman of Denmark and Oded Brener. The chain started off as a store in Raanana and was followed by additional branches.


In 2001, part of the brand was bought by the Strauss-Elite corporation. The company has six branches in Israel, 16 in Australia, two in New York, two in the Philippines and one in Singapore.


פרסום ראשון: 07.17.09, 07:28
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