
Giant bar (Archive photo)

Jerusalem Beer Festival

An event not to be missed. Currently in its fifth year, the Jerusalem Beer Festival will display over 100 different types of beer from Israel and around the world

Beer from premium breweries, boutique breweries and home made beers will be featured in a variety of flavors, including herb beers. For one night Independence Park in Jerusalem will be converted into a giant bar with additional entertainment such as great music with live entertainment by various artists, street events and cultural activities.


From all accounts the history of Beer Festivals can be traced back to Munich in 1810 as part of the wedding ceremony of Crown Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese. The Royal Court, the Royal Family, city officials and townspeople all gathered at one of Munich’s many gates for post-wedding celebrations. Evidently, it proved to be a very bawdy affair. It was followed immediately afterwards by horse racing events attended by all the guests.


The Municipality of Jerusalem who are hosting the event are encouraging all visitors to come early to this event which will be held at Independence Park on August 26, 2009 from 6 pm to 11:45 pm


Admission until 6:30 pm will be free and NIS 20/25 thereafter.


On an added note on interest, the world’s largest Beer Festival, Oktoberfest, is still held annually in Munich, oddly enough in September. It attracts more than six million visitors each year. With an influx of tourists of that order, perhaps they can be forgiven for some confusion with the months.


פרסום ראשון: 08.09.09, 10:25
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