
Polonsky. Guest artist
Illustrated by David Polonsky

Love according to Actus

Actus Tragicus, group of Israeli comics artists whose books are mainly published in English, gets first exhibition in Israel at Cartoon Museum

Eight comic books and plenty of international success have led the revolutionary Actus Tragicus Comics Group to its first exhibition in Israel.


The exhibit, which opens on September 15 at the Israeli Cartoon Museum under the title "How to Love," accompanies the release in Israel of the Hebrew version of a book by the same name that was published in the US last year.

From the exhibit: Fragments from Batia Kolton's work


The book is made out of six graphic novellas created by the group members and by illustrator David Polonsky ("Waltz with Bashir"). Like the book, the exhibit touches on the different, less common aspects of love, and runs through key points such as touch-kiss, hate, jealousy, courtship, disappointment, gender and the environment. 


From the exhibit: Fragments from Mira Fridman's work


The Actus Group was founded in 1996 and has been working since as an independent collective and publishing house. Actus was the brainchild of Israeli artists Yirmi Pinkus and Rutu Modan, who were later joined by Itzik Rennert, Batia Kolton and Mira Fridman.

From the exhibit: Fragments from Yirmi Pinkus' work


"The decision to form the group stemmed from a desire to do what we wanted and free ourselves of any restraints," explained Actus members, who are involved in all stages of their books' production, from the creation and illustration stage to printing and storing.


Actus has published eight books so far, but only two – "Victor" and "Happy End" have been translated into Hebrew.


פרסום ראשון: 08.29.09, 12:13
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