Ban of alcohol sale in kiosks?
Photo: Ido Erez

Netanyahu, declares war
Photo: AP
The Israeli government plans to combat violence and road accidents by restricting the sale and consumption of alcohol. Following the wave of violence recently sweeping over the country, the government contacted the Anti-Drug Authority and requested recommendations for the formulation of proposed legislation in the matter.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has already declared that such legislation is underway. According to the planned bill, the sale of alcohol at kiosks and gas stations will be banned, and advertisements, as well as hours alcohol is sold, will be limited.
War on Violence
Gad Lior
Finance Ministry plans to raise tax on vodka made in Israel by 50% in bid to reduce drunkenness among youngsters; prices of imported beverages, however, will drop 40%
Young drivers and people who drive for a living, will be prohibited from drinking alcohol completely.
Currently, many gas stations house stores in which alcoholic beverages can be purchased, and can contribute to drunk driving. The Anti-Drug Authority also implicates kiosks as "sprouting around nightlife areas like mushrooms after rain. Youths buy alcohol there without limits. The goal is to prohibit the sale of alcohol to all ages at kiosks".
Drinking in public places is also likely to be banned or restricted by the upcoming bill. Anti-Drug Authority Director-General Yair Geler told Ynet, "Youths tend to gather in groups and get drunk in open and public places before heading off to night spots, or spend the night like this."
Therefore, it will be proposed that alcohol be sold in separate stores or in designated areas in supermarkets, to which minors will not be allowed entrance.
The bill in the making also stipulates that drinking or carrying an open bottle or container of an alcoholic beverage in a public place will be banned between the hours of 9pm and 7am. A police officer ranking superintendant or higher will have the authority to grant permission for alcohol consumption in certain instances.
Netanyahu on Sunday said the government plans to pass laws restricting the sale and consumption of alcohol until 9pm. "I think the things that I'm saying, in their entirety, will greatly cut down on the consumption and sale of alcohol," he said in a special radio broadcast.
"We will also ban the sale of alcohol at kiosks and gas stations. You know what happens when you drink alcohol at a gas station. We will also make presenting identification compulsory. These things are certainly effective."
Ido Erez contributed to this report