
Financial war? A checkpoint near Nablus (archives)
Photo: AFP

Arab League: Israel waging financial war

London-based Arab news agency Quds Press quotes association of Arab countries as saying Jewish state has been stifling growth of Palestinian economy since 1967

Israel is waging a "financial war" against the Palestinians, the London-based Arab news agency Quds Press quoted an Arab League report as saying Tuesday.


The phrasing was meant to counter Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's repeated statements regarding striking "financial peace" with the Palestinian Authority.


The Arab League's report focuses on Israel's actions against the economical infrastructure in Gaza Strip, but also criticizes the PA's financial conduct in the West Bank.


The report states that "Israel has been fighting against the financial development of the occupied lands since 1967, by means of siege, environmental pollution and the overall destruction of the economy."


The Arab League quoted statistics indicating the Strip has 60% unemployment rate and 80% of Gazans live in poverty.


Israel, added the report, also prohibits Gaza's fishermen from earning a living by imposing a marine siege on its waters, on top of closing all of the Gaza crossings.


The Arab League further claimed that contrary to reports by several international financial bodies, the West Bank does not fare better, as its area is riddled with about 630 checkpoints and roadblocks that prevent free commence.


Israel, claims the report, has also confiscated over 12,350 acres of land in favor of the security fence.


The report also slams Palestinian workers' employment conditions in Israel as being "practically inhumane."


Doron Peskin is head of research at Info-Prod Research (Middle East) Ltd.


פרסום ראשון: 09.22.09, 17:12
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