Qassam rocket (archives)
Photo: Ze'ev Trachtman
Two Qassam rockets fired from northern Gaza Tuesday evening landed in open areas within the limits of the Eshkol and Ashkelon Beach regional councils. There were no reports of injury or damage.
The first rocket was launched at around 7 pm. The "Color Red" alert system sounded, and security forces locate the rocket's landing site near an Eshkol Regional Council community.
The second rocket, which was fired by Palestinian terrorists an hour-and-a-half later, hit south of Ashkelon.
The rocket attack on the Ashkelon area was the first in two months. "I am not ruling out the possibility that Hamas is testing our nerves and level of preparedness," Ashkelon Beach Regional Council head Yair Farjoun told Ynet, "Our response must be swift and powerful. We cannot allow the current situation to continue."
Following Monday's attacks on the Negev, a number of council heads told Ynet they feared the security situation would deteriorate further, even to the point where it would resemble the period prior to the IDF's offensive in Gaza last January.
Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council Head Alon Schuster said he does not believe the attacks emanating from Gaza will cease. "The blows the IDF is dealing them (Palestinians) may be good for morale, but they will certainly not stop these hooligans to stop firing.
"This situation requires a solution, both on a military and civilian level, so that people here will be able to continue living their lives," he said.
Sderot Mayor David Buskila told Ynet Monday night, "This is not massive fire, but the Qassams and mortar shells are getting closer and closer to population hubs.
"In the month that followed Operation Cast Lead there was a single rocket launching towards Israel, but now it's almost routine. We are continuing to count on the army, and I hope the political echelon will find a solution to this as well," he said.