
Uri Hollander

Israeli poets to participate in 'Word Express'

Uri Hollander, Neta-li Brown were selected among 50 young artists from around the world to take part in international literary project

Israeli poets Uri Hollander and Neta-li Brown were selected to represent Israel in the international project "Word Express", which was founded by the British Council last year.


The literary project is funded by the council's Creative Collaboration fund, aimed at promoting international cooperation in the field of literature and culture, and building confidence and understanding between communities by creating a common dialogue.


Some 50 young artists and translators are taking part in the program. During the month they will wander through the Balkans by train and stop in various cities where they will take part in poetry readings, discussions and translation groups.


In the last five days of the program they will participate in Istanbul's international book fair and the Tanpinar Literature Festival.


Poets attending come from all over the world: Britain, Turkey, Armenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Greece, Israel, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Slovenia, and their works will be translated into the region's languages and will be published in literature magazine in each of the countries taking part.


Hollander, born in 1979, is a poet, translator, musician and literary critic. Besides his compilations "The Wandering Piano" (2005) and "The Days of the Tel Aviv Conservatory" (2007), he also published translations of various world poets and received the Culture Ministry's prize for beginning poets in 2005.


Brown, born in 1978, is a filmmaker. Her movie, "Metamorphosis", which follows the stories of four rape victims, was screed at the Jerusalem Festival, in the UN and in movie theatres in Israel and around the globe.


She also published the compilation, "To Kill and to Breath" (2006) and won first prize in the 2005 "Poetry on the Road" competition


פרסום ראשון: 10.04.09, 07:43
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