The mother accused of starving her son (archive)
Photo: Gil Yohanan
The legal team representing the woman charged with starving her toddler son appealed Wednesday's ruling to banish the mother from her Jerusalem Mea Shearim neighborhood and the conditions of her house arrest.
The prosecution team also appealed the decision on the grounds that, according to the current ruling, the woman will be allowed to remain with her children, albeit under 24-hour surveillance.
The Supreme Court will discuss both appeals on Friday.
Supreme Court Justice Moshe Ravid ruled on Tuesday that the mother will remain on house arrest, but must remain outside of Mea Shearim and be under 24-hour surveillance. He also ruled that the mother must agree to undergo psychiatric treatment and allow regular medical supervision of her children.
The appeal submitted Thursday by the defense claims that all the stipulations of their client's house arrest are unnecessary, do not achieve their objectives, and violate the mother's and her children's basic rights.
The defense claims that the decision to banish the mother and her children from Mea Shearim is a breach of the State's sovereignty and is discriminatory. According to them, "It cannot be that the State decides to banish you from Mea Shearim because it cannot monitor you there."
The appeal also claimed that a person must not be obligated to receive and finance treatment if that person does not believe he is sick, and that this certainly cannot be a condition for his release. According to the defense, the house arrest serves no practical purpose and that the mother does not present a danger to anyone.
The mother's legal team also addressed Judge Ravid's claim that the case has been blown out of proportion by the mother's supporters in Mea Shearim saying that the mother is in no way to be held responsible or to be punished for the riots that broke out following her arrest. The defense claims that the prosecution deviated from the realm of reasonability in their treatment of this case.