
High alert (Illustration)
Photo: Reuters

Police up alert in Temple Mount

Capital's police to bolster deployment following calls by Muslim clerics, far-Right elements for both Jews and Arabs to arrive at Temple Mount

The Jerusalem Police will bolster deployment throughout the Old City, east Jerusalem and Temple Mount compound Sunday, following recent calls by both Arab and Jewish elements to arrive at the compound on Sunday.


The Islamic Movement announced it will make buses available for worshipers who wish to arrive at the mosque Sunday.


The movement's spokesman Zahy Nujeidat said the flyer calling Arabs to protect the area was issued "in response to those who try and desecrate al-Aqsa."


According to police, there was a call for the capital's Arab residents to "protect Temple Mount from Jewish conquest," as well as a call on Jews by far-Right elements to arrive at the compound.


Police officials stressed that no visitation restrictions have been issued at this time, but that any attempt to disrupt public order or infringe on the status quo will be met with a harsh response.  


פרסום ראשון: 10.24.09, 18:37
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