Dorner: Hamas' aim is to terrorize
Photo: Gil Yohanan
Retired Supreme Court Justice Dalia Dorner called on the government to establish an internal commission of inquiry into the conclusions of the Goldstone Report,
which accused Israel
of committing war crimes in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead.
Speaking during a lecture at Oxford University's center for Middle Eastern studies, Dorner said, "I think Israel should have responded to the conclusions of the investigation. The accusations are serious, and the state must probe them."
Meeting With Ban
Deputy prime minister meets with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in New York, tells Ynet latter vows not to pass Gaza war report on to General Assembly before examining Human Rights Council's decision to adopt it
She added that the Israel Defense Forces could also take command of such a probe as the army is subjected to the High Court of Justice.
Dorner said she had read the entire report. "Goldstone accused Hamas of firing at a civilian population. This is like complaining to predators about why they refuse to eat grass," she said.
"Hamas is a terror organization and its aim is to terrorize the enemy's civilian population for political gain, the conclusion of which would be the obliteration of Israel as a Jewish state."
Dorner said she believed the report's one-sidedness was the result of its aims and area of research being determined by the UN Human Rights Council.
Meanwhile, Goldstone himself was invited to a press conference in Israel but declined the invitation because of Israel's conduct during his investigation and following the publication of the report, which he said "saddened" him.