
Israeli optimism - Ben-Eliezer
Photo Dudi Vaaknin

Ben-Eliezer: Israel-Turkey ties back on track

Minister expresses hope for summit meeting between Netanyahu, Erdogan

Crisis over? Israeli-Turkish relations are back on track following a recent crisis, prompting Turkey's return to the role of mediator vis-à-vis Syria, Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer said Saturday.


"We're on the eve of reestablishing the state of ties between Israel and Turkey to what he used to be, with a reality whereby Turkey goes back to its role as mediator vis-à-vis Turkey," the Industry, Trade and Employment minister said.


In a speech at the Beer Sheba Trade and Industry Bureau, Ben-Eliezer expressed his hope that the next step in the reconciliation process would be a meeting between Prime Ministers Benjamin Netanyahu and Recep Tayyap Erdogan.


"I hope the two prime ministers will be meeting soon," he said.


Ben-Eliezer said that during his visit to Ankara last month, Turkish officials showed a desire to rehabilitate the ties between the two states.


"This relationship also has important strategic facts, not only on the industry and trade front," he said.


פרסום ראשון: 12.05.09, 22:46
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