
Looking good in a hijab - Ahmadinejad
The original photo – student leader Tavakoli

Men in black (Hijab)

Young Iranians come up with original way to protest arrest of comrade, endorse feminism

Iranian-style protest: Members of Iran's reformist opposition came up with an original way to protest the arrest of their comrade – posting online photos of themselves and of Iran's top leaders dressed up as women.


Following reports that student leader Majid Tavakoli was detained while he was dressed up as a woman, his friends posted online photos, mostly on Facebook, where they are seen dressed up as women as well.


Other activists went further and pasted the faces of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on a Tavakoli's hijab-wearing figure.


The detained activist was arrested by authorities after delivering an impassioned speech against the government. He attempted to evade arrest by dressing up as a woman, and his photo, wearing a hijab, was subsequently published by official news agencies.


At this time it appears that he has become a new opposition hero and has elicited great admiration for having the courage to openly speak out against the regime.


פרסום ראשון: 12.10.09, 21:31
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