
Passenger forced off plane (archives)
Photo: Reuters, WDIV-TV

US police: Man threatening Jews taken off flight

Police arrest Florida airline passenger Mansor Mohammad Asad who witnesses say proclaimed 'I want to kill all the Jews'

A Florida airline passenger who witnesses say proclaimed "I want to kill all the Jews" before police forced him off a Detroit-bound plane has been arrested.


Miami-Dade police said in a statement Thursday that 43-year-old Mansor Mohammad Asad of Toledo, Ohio, faces several charges including disorderly conduct.


Police say a taxiing Northwest Airlines flight was turned around at Miami International Airport late Wednesday. Witnesses told authorities Asad was loud, disruptive and claimed to be Palestinian. They believed he was sometimes speaking Arabic.


The Transportation Security Administration says three of his companions were taken off the plane and questioned. The plane departed after a search.


A phone number for Asad rang unanswered. Police didn't return a message.


פרסום ראשון: 01.07.10, 15:24
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