
Netanyahu and Medvedev
Photo: Amos Ben-Gershom, GPO

Medvedev not behind Iran sanctions yet

Netanyahu meets Russian leader to discuss Iranian nuclear issue, sale of S-300 missiles, and Shalit

Despite the complacency expressed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's entourage after his meeting with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, it remains unclear whether Russia will support a move to impose more sanctions on Iran for its nuclear program.


A senior official with the prime minister's delegation to Russia said Monday evening that Medvedev will be judged on the Iranian issue according to the outcomes.


"The prime minister has clarified, as he has to other leaders, that this is the time to impose strict and paralyzing sanctions on Iran," the official said.


"But the states responsible for this, including Russia, will be judged on this according to the outcome. Our feeling after the meeting with Medvedev and before the meeting with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is good – but we will see how this pans out." The meeting with Putin is scheduled for Tuesday.


In addition to the Iranian nuclear issue, Israel has for a number of years been lobbying in Moscow against the sale of S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to the Islamic Republic.


Netanyahu said he trusts Medvedev will "behave in a way that will ensure stability in our region" despite talk that Moscow has already signed a contract promising their delivery to Iran.


However the delegation is currently predicting that Medvedev will prevent the sale of missiles, which could damage attempts at bombing Iran's nuclear facilities from the air.


Netanyahu also relayed to Medvedev information about peace talks with the Palestinians. He said that for now the US was brokering the talks, but that Russia may be able to intervene at a later point.


"The prime minister urged Russia to be a catalyst and enter Abbas into negotiations without preconditions," the senior official said.


The meeting also focused on kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit, for whose release Netanyahu explained a German mediator was in charge. He said Israel was still waiting for an answer from Hamas and that the government would not improve its latest offer.


"Russia, because of its history, has extensive connections with all of the relevant parties in the Middle East," the official said. "The prime minister believes Russia can help promote the release of Gilad Shalit."


In general, the delegation's impression was that Netanyahu received a warm welcome in Russia and that the issue of security was stressed, with entire streets in Moscow closed off to allow the prime minister to proceed unhindered.


פרסום ראשון: 02.16.10, 08:24
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