
Troops evacuate rightists in Jericho
Photo: AP

IDF: Rightists must be brought to justice

Army angered at right-wing activists' infiltration of Jericho, officials say group behaved irresponsibly by occupying army with 'needless provocation'. 'IDF should focus on defense, preventing terror,' they say

The IDF responded with rage Sunday to an infiltration of Jericho by right-wing activists earlier in the day, and stated that the incident "could have become complicated and dangerous" and endangered lives.


At around 6:30 pm dozens of right-wing activists broke through an IDF checkpoint in the West Bank and entered Jericho. They hung an Israeli flag from the Naaran synagogue there and barricaded themselves inside.


Soldiers lift rightists into bus (Photo: Reuters)


IDF and Border Guard forces arrived later to evacuate the rightists, who lay on the ground and had to be lifted manually into an awaiting bus. Thirty-five were arrested and brought in for questioning by police.


"There is no justification for entering in this manner. Entry can be coordinated and organized as it is almost every week in order to carry out religious services," an IDF official told Ynet. "This group behaved irresponsibly."


The IDF appealed to Palestinian forces to refrain from approaching the rightists and the latter agreed. However soldiers had to be amassed as the army's forces in the area are relatively small, due to the general lack of threat.


"Even if there had been a large battalion there the rightists would have found a way to carry out their provocation," the official said.  


Soldier fights resisting rightist (Photo: AP)


"These people must be brought to justice," said an officer with Central Command after the incident was over. "The army should be dealing with defense and prevention of terror, not incidents of this kind, which have been increasing lately. It is irresponsible of these activists to occupy the army with such incidents, which endanger them and the forces."


The IDF stated, "Because entry into the Palestinian territories, and in particular Jericho, was not coordinated ahead of time security forces blocked the civilians from entering the city. The citizens rioted, broke through the checkpoint violently, and entered the city by force."


The statement added that the army would do all in its power to bring those involved to justice.


Commander of the Jordan Valley Brigade, Colonel Yochai Ben-Yishai, agreed that the incident was "unnecessary and could have endangered lives". He said the IDF was not aware of the rightists' plan, or it would have been better prepared.


But right-wing activists told Ynet that those responsible for violent behavior were the Border Guard officers at the scene. They claimed the officers injured three youths, one of them 15 years old.


Extreme rightist Baruch Marzel said, "We engaged in no provocation and we did not endanger anyone by entering Jericho. It is our right to enter into the land of our ancestors. It's true that in the past few years there have been a number of organized entries, but lately the IDF has been strangely prohibiting it. No one can prevent us from entering the Land of Israel."


פרסום ראשון: 02.22.10, 00:19
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