Despite leveling harsh criticism at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, particularly with regards to the current crisis with the US over Israel's plan to build 1,600 housing units in east Jerusalem, senior members of the opposition party are not ruling out the possibility of joining the coalition.
"If Netanyahu ousts one of his partners in the coalition – Shas or Yisrael Beiteinu (Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman's party), we will have no choice but to join," one Kadima official said Sunday.
The officials stressed that a change in the coalition is crucial in light of what they called the recent damage caused to Israel's image due to Netanyahu's policies and cabinet's decisions on key issues.
Sources close to Kadima chairwoman Tzipi Livni hinted that the party would consider joining the government under certain conditions.
"Now it is clear that Netanyahu needs Kadima, and only Livni's presence can save Israel's status and fix the damage that has been caused (to Israel) over the past year," one of the sources said.
Despite the statements, it appears that no significant talks are being held regarding the possibility of changes in the coalition.
Earlier Sunday, Livni spoke out against Netanyahu's policies, saying, "You cannot leave national security in the hands of coalition partners, with all due respect."
Speaking at an IDF Disabled Veterans Association conference in Tel Aviv, the opposition leader said, "The coalition agreement is no substitute for a vision and a path. We have here a prime minister who does not know what he wants and this weakness is leading to a political landslide."