
Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood
Photo: AFP
David Grossman in Friday's protest
Photo: Reuters

Sheikh Jarrah: Jews tear fence erected by Arabs

(Video) Fence set up by Arabs in divided compound in east Jerusalem neighborhood seen destroyed while police fail to intervene

VIDEO - A video obtained by Ynet shows Jewish teens tearing out a fence erected by Arab residents in a divided compound in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in east Jerusalem. The incident comes on the backdrop of left-wing protests at the site against Jewish presence in the area.


The video shows the teens entering the compound while dancing and singing and proceeding to rip the fence apart by kicking it. A person is heard shouting in Arabic, "Officer, do you see what they're doing?" However, police is not seen intervening.


The compound is shared by the al-Kurd family and a Jewish family which recently moved there. The al-Kurds had been residing in two buildings up until six months ago when a court ruled that one structure, which was built without a permit, will be turned over to a Jewish owner.


The ruling was based on evidence confirming Jewish ownership of the land and the Arab family's refusal to pay rent to the Jews. However, the courtyard containing the fence has not been confirmed as belonging to either party.



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The Jewish neighborhood residents claimed that the fence was set up in Passover as an act of provocation. "The land belongs to Jews according to the land registry bureau and the al-Kurd family violated a court ruling by invading the space," Yonatan Yosef, spokesman of the neighborhood's Jewish community told Ynet.


He further noted that a complaint had been filed with the police and that a civil lawsuit is expected to be filed against the creators of the fence.


Yosef said that Arab residents in the area regularly send their kids to bully the Jews, as minors cannot be arrested. He said that the fence was created in order to "cage" the Jews and that Arab kids had spilled beverages on Jewish residents during Shabbat.


The Jerusalem Police stated in response, "Two citizens were taken in for questioning on Saturday, an Arab and a Jew, for mutual assault. Investigation into the matter continues."


'Police lost it senses'

Author David Grossman, a frequent protestor in Sheikh Jarrah, criticized police conduct during a left-wing protest in the area on Friday, in which four demonstrators were arrested.


"We stood quietly with signs against what's going on in Sheikh Jarrah, and then the police chief announced in an almost violent way: 'You have two minutes to leave the area.'


"I believe that before the two minutes were over they began pushing us, removing people from the area, knocking people down using excessive force," he related. "The police lost its senses and acted in a way which proves lack of confidence and an inability to control itself and the situation."


פרסום ראשון: 04.12.10, 22:22
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