Dershowitz, who is known to be an avid supporter of the State Israel, spoke during a Tel Aviv University symposium titled "Delegitimization of Israel as a Strategic Threat".
According to Dershowitz, the countries which were against accepting the Jewish state – like Spain and Ireland – have failed economies and keep on criticizing Israel, which he said is responsible for a slew of technological developments and inventions. Instead of winning praise, he said, Israel is subject to delegitimization attempts.
According to Dershowitz, organizations like Hezbollah and Hamas are using a policy which he referred to as "the dead children strategy" in order to strengthen Israel's negative image on the military level.
One of the strongest visual objects in the media is a mother holding a dead baby in her hand, which is similar to the picture of Mary holding baby Jesus, he explained.
The prominent lawyer, known for his harsh criticism against Judge Richard Goldstone, who authored the United Nations report on Operation Cast Lead, also said that Hamas and Hezbollah know that Israel will respond to the firing missiles at Israeli children making their way to school. This is why they place the rocket launchers in the heart of civilian populations, he said, in a bid to cause the death of as many babies as possible while al-Jazeera's cameras are prepared to bring the images to the entire world. This was not noted by Goldstone in his report, Dershowitz said.
'Israel portrayed as Nazi occupier'
Dershowitz accused anarchist Jewish linguist Noam Chomsky of creating a hostile atmosphere among many groups in the United States and in its academic campuses.
They are creating a narrative which always presents Israel as a Nazi occupier, he said, while shutting their eyes to facts contradicting those same claims, like the ties between Jerusalem's Grand Mufti Haj Muhammed Amin al-Husseini and Nazi leader Adolf Hitler during World War II.
According to the prominent lawyer, these acts are "legal terror" aimed at slandering Israel's name.
He went on to explain that Israel's greatest enemies were not radical Muslims, who he said only strengthened its claims, but rather Jews and Israelis worldwide using their descent in order to boost their unrestrainable attacks against Israel.
According to Dershowitz, American politician Norman Finkelstein identifies himself as a Jews only when he attacks Israel, as does former Israeli musician Gilad Atzmon, who lives in Britain and declares that the Israeli army's methods are worse than the Gestapo's.
Dershowitz said that Israel must launch a real war against incitement, in any place possible – in the UN, in the International Court of Justice and in every other place. Israel may lose the vote, he said, but will not miss the opportunity to voice its claims.
He explained that due to the hostile environment towards Israel in the American academia, he is often praised by staff members for speaking in favor of the country. They whisper it to me, he said, and then explain that despite their support for Israel they feel uncomfortable saying it in public.