Several Kadima activists sent a harsh letter of protest over the weekend to their party chairwoman, Tzipi Livni, slamming her conduct on two main issues: The gay community and the ultra-Orthodox.
"During a meeting of the Kadima activists' forum, all those present expressed their opinion and discomfort over the party's stand on two main issues," the letter read. "The first is what we see as an exaggerated demonstration of support for the homosexual and lesbian community, and the second is the party's stand on matters of state and religion.
The activists referred to a Yedioth Ahronoth report that Livni planned to launch the gay pride parade scheduled to take place in Tel Aviv next month. According to them, such a move would cause electoral damage to the party.
"Heading struggles in an exaggerated and extraverted manner, which may cause discomfort among populations which the party seeks to reach with messages of tolerance and restraint, is not a desirable thing. Such conduct may create the wrong impression that Kadima is shifting to the left, and this may distance the party from its main target audience."
The activists protested Livni's attitude towards the haredim as well. "The members feel that Kadima should position itself in the center and right of the political map, and one of its main missions is to serve as a bridge between different parts of the people. This bridge will allow to head together towards painful compromises – not just on political issues, but also on issues of society, religion and state."
The Kadima party issued the following statement in response to the letter: "Kadima is a centrist party, and as such it includes a variety of opinions on the different issues on the agenda. Any Kadima activist is welcome to express his or her opinions in the different Kadima forums, including the workshop on Jewish identity in a democratic country."
Knesset Member Otniel Schneller expressed his support for the activists' letter, saying that it proved Kadima still had leaders of a bridging centrist party. "They must be praised before Kadima's ideas get lost under the strength of the radical voices expressed from within."