Shayetet 13 fighter on Gaza-bound ship
Photo: AFP
Patriotism, or very bad taste? Civilians driving on the Trans-Israel Highway 6 on Friday could not ignore a sign posted on a bus driving on the road, which conveyed a controversial message to the commandos who took park in the interception of the Gaza-bound flotilla: "Shayetet 13, shame on you. Why did you kill so few?"
Even more surprising is that the bus itself was hired by the Israel Defense Forces and was driving soldiers home for the weekend.
A closer look revealed that the questionable display of support was the initiative of the driver himself, who saw a similar sign while on the road and decided to place it on the front of his bus, in order to "express support of the naval forces".
"Shayetet 13, shame on you. Why did you kill so few?"
The IDF agreed that this was an inappropriate form of protest, and after a talk between the soldiers' commanders and the driver, the latter quickly apologized, removed the sign, and continued on his route.
While the driver is not an IDF employee and was only hired by the military to transport the soldiers, the incident evoked uneasiness among many who came across the bus.
"It is in bad taste that at a time when the entire incident is under investigation, when the whole world's eyes are on Israel, which continues to suffer form criticism, such an incident happens with a bus that services the military," a woman at a nearby gas station said.
Several of the soldiers who were on the bus were also unimpressed with the driver's initiative. They said that, contrary to what the sign said, they were proud of their comrades' work at sea, and said anyone who took part in the takeover should be supported.