
'Violence possible.' Barak (L) with Gates
Photo: AFP

Barak to Ban: Trust Israeli flotilla probe

In New York, defense minister tells UN chief Israeli investigation into deadly flotilla raid credible, says conducting international probe as terror supporters send more ships to Gaza irresponsible

Defense Minister Ehud Barak asked UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Sunday to withdraw his call for an international investigation of the deadly raid on the Gaza-bound flotilla and put his faith in the Israeli probe.


"We conveyed our position that as long as flotillas are on their way (to Gaza), it would be best to shelve the international investigation while we progress with our own internal probe, which is independent and credible," Barak told reporters Sunday after meeting Ban at the UN headquarters in New York. "The Turkel commission of inquiry should be allowed to conduct its work."


Barak (L) with Ban (Photo: AP)


Barak said, "We consider conducting an (international probe) while organizations that support terror are trying to send more ships to Gaza to be an irresponsible act. We ask that everyone join us and transfer goods to Gaza through Ashdod.


"We will not permit any direct sails to Gaza," the defense minister added.


Addressing the Lebanese aid flotilla, which is expected to reach the area over the weekend, Barak said, "We will hold Lebanon responsible for the consequences. This may lead to violence."


The defense minister reminded reporters that goods entering the West Bank also pass through the Ashdod Port. "We cannot allow the free travel of ships to Gaza. It is controlled by the terror group Hamas, which fires rockets to cause stir fear among our citizens," he said.


During his meeting with Ban, Barak gave the UN chief details on Israeli steps aimed at easing the blockade on Gaza, stressing that "weapons and ammunition" will not be allowed into the coastal enclave.


As for cement and iron, the defense minister said these materials will only be allowed into Gaza at the request of UN officials who "are in charge of Gaza's rehabilitation."


Barak also told reporters, "We have nothing against the million and a half Palestinians, most of whom are innocent. There is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. There are a million and a half people in Gaza, but only one who is being denied basic rights, and his name is Gilad Shalit, the captive Israeli soldier.


"As we ease the entry of goods into Gaza, we expect the international community to bring an end to Shalit's captivity," he said. 


פרסום ראשון: 06.22.10, 00:49
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