Back to school (illustration)
Photo: Dudi Vaaknin
The Education Ministry officially announced Wednesday that it plans to approve the opening of an educational institution for girls in the haredi settlement of Emmanuel,
which would not be funded by the State and would be used by students of the "Hasidic department".
In a statement to the court, submitted through the State Prosecutor's Office, the Education Ministry noted that it examined the request filed by the students' parents to open a new educational institution, "while taking into consideration the parent's desire to educate their daughters in a Hasidic religious communal educational environment, with a different spiritual leadership, and unique and more strict characteristics than the ones existing in the current school."
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The Education Ministry added that the option of sending the students to an institution of the Hasidism in another city was rejected due to Emmanuel's distance from other communities and the fact that the transportation entails security and safety risks.
The Education Ministry stressed that the approval to open a new educational institution was subject to a number of conditions, the first one being no discrimination.
"Every student, including 'general studies' students, who meets the criteria of the newly founded institution will be admitted," the ministry wrote in its conditions, stating that it would monitor the matter.
Another condition was that the "independent education center" would continue operating the Beit Yaakov School in Emmanuel for students interested in attending, so as not to leave them without an educational institution.
The Education Ministry's decision was backed by the attorney general.
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