A psychiatric evaluation submitted to the Jerusalem District Court determined that "Jewish terrorist" Yaakov (Jack) Teitel, who was indicted for murdering Arabs and attempting to hurt Prof. Ze'ev Sterhell is fit to stand trial and was responsible for his actions, Ynet learned Monday.
This evaluation contradicts an initial evaluation submitted to the court three months ago, which stated that Teitel's mental state may not allow for trial to proceed. He was later sent to a different hospital for another evaluation.
Teitel has been hospitalized at the Magen hospital for the past three months, and a hearing on his matter is expected to take place next week.
His lawyer, Attorney Asher Ohayon, said in response to the new evaluation: "We will study the evaluation and respond to it as part of the court discussions.
After the first evaluation was submitted, Teitel said upon entering the courtroom, "I don’t know if I'm insane. I don’t recognize this court's authority."
Teitel was indicted in November 2009 on 14 different counts. The 37-year-old resident of the settlement of Shvut Rachel was indicted for the murder of Palestinian taxi driver, Samir Balbisi, in June 1997, and the murder of a Palestinian shepherd a few months later. He was also charged with laying an explosive device next to a Palestinian home near the West Bank settlement of Eli.
The indictment also charged that Teitel attempted to poison Palestinian residents of an isolated village near Eli. He was also indicted for attempting to murder Ami Ortiz, the son of a Messianic family living in Ariel, when he sent an explosive device disguised as a Purim gift to their home. In addition, he was charged with placing a bomb next to Prof. Zeev Sternhell's home.
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