Hamas gunman in Gaza
Photo: AP
Hamas has completed a series of experiments on its advanced Fajar rocket, which has a range of almost 80 kilometers (roughly 50 miles) and can as far Kfar Saba, northeast of Tel Aviv, experts say.
In a few months, Hamas will be able to begin manufacturing the rockets, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Tuesday.
The progress made by the Gaza group on the rocket front is huge, considering that Hamas' original Qassam rockets had a range of around 1.5 km (roughly 1 mile.)
The long-range rockets acquired by Hamas are of the Fajar-5 type, and it is believed that they arrived in the Strip via the Sinai peninsula.
Israel believes that the rockets were developed by scientists working for the organization and for research institutes located in Arab countries in the region that have been working non-stop to arm Hamas in Gaza.
Meanwhile, Israel is also concerned about the possibility of an arms deal being worked out between Russia and the Syrian military.
Recent reports say that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approached Russian President Vladimir Putin and requested that the latter put the brakes on a deal that would provide Syria with advanced weapons systems.
Israel fears that Hezbollah would be the final recipient of the systems and may end up using them against Israel.
Smadar Peri contributed to this report
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