
Rifle found in car
Photo: Defense Ministry

Woman returns from PA with rifle in car

Makeshift rifle, magazines found in plastic bag near engine; driver detained, says rifle placed in car without her knowledge

A resident of Bu'eine Nujeidat in the Lower Galilee was detained Tuesday evening when a makeshift rifle was found in her car upon her return from the Palestinian Authority.


The woman's 16-year-old son was detained later.


The rifle found in woman's car (Photo: Defense Ministry)


The woman was detained at a checkpoint located in the northern Jordan Valley, between Mechola and Beit She'an. Security guards manning the checkpoint suspected the woman because she was travelling alone and was not carrying a driver's license or an identification card.


While searching the vehicle, security guards found the rifle and a number of magazines inside a plastic bag concealed near the engine.


The woman claimed the rifle and magazines were placed in the car without her knowledge. A short while after her arrest, the woman's teenage son arrived at the checkpoint and was detained as well.



פרסום ראשון: 09.14.10, 23:35
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