Flag on minaret
Unknown elements posted the Palestinian flag on a renovated mosque near a market in Safed on Saturday night.
"I noticed the flag that was hanging on the top of the minaret," a local resident told Ynet. "It made me angry but also somewhat satisfied that the true face of the perpetrator with the academic veneer was exposed."
The incident is the latest in a series of clashes in the city in the past week. On Saturday night, several haredi men clashed with Arab students after an argument between the groups broke out. The parties used sticks and stones and caused damage to property. The fight was eventually stopped by police forces.
Last week, it was revealed that a group of rabbis, headed by the city's chief rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu signed a bulletin calling residents not to rent out or sell apartments to Arabs, including Arab students studying at the local college. The rabbis said they would boycott anyone who did so.
Jewish leaders in the US criticized the step. Ant-Defamation League head Abraham Foxman described the incident as racist and warned it would affect relations between US and Israeli Jews.
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