
Photo: Pablo Bichman
Haredi troops (Archive)
Photo: Pablo Bichman

IDF commanders to get 'haredi glossary'

What is glatt kosher? IDF commanders to receive 18-page booklet explaining long list of religious terms, as more haredim show interest in joining army; hundreds of ultra-Orthodox enlist for army service in recent years

What is glatt kosher? A new 18-page booklet issued by the IDF includes a long list of religious and haredi terms that will help commanders interact with growing numbers of ultra-Orthodox Israelis joining the army.


In recent years, the IDF recruited hundreds of haredim, in what appears to mark the beginning of a revolution. The equation is simple: The army needs more high-quality, motivated recruits, while young haredim need employment and a salary. This has prompted the creation of a model that allows haredim to serve in the IDF while maintaining their ultra-Orthodox lifestyle.


At this time, haredi soldiers are serving in the Navy, Air Force, and Intelligence branch. The IDF says its ranks also include some haredi officers.


The new booklet, which shall enter the pilot stage at this time, will present haredi terms, events, and important dates, helping commanders become more familiar with their ultra-Orthodox soldiers. The booklet will also familiarize commanders with the special rights granted to haredim, who need to be handled differently because of their beliefs and lifestyle.


Word of mouth  

"Israelis are not always familiar with haredi world terms, and a brief walk through haredi strongholds may induce linguistic shock," a military official said, referring to the new initiative.


The IDF official added that the army does not engage in recruitment campaigns at yeshivas, preferring to market haredi military service through word of mouth and special meetings, where the men's wives and children are also welcome.


The military source said that the demand for military service among the haredim keeps growing, and that the army offers them diverse, challenging positions.


"Intelligence researchers, programmers, technicians, and quality-assurance inspectors are just a few of the roles offered to haredi soldiers," he said.



פרסום ראשון: 10.28.10, 18:17
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