Alleged members of Mossad hit squad
Photo: AFP

Mahmoud al-Mabhouh (archives)
Photo: AFP
American diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks overnight Tuesday reveal the credit card numbers which, according to the Dubai police department, were used by Mossad operatives who allegedly assassinated senior Hamas figure Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in January.
A month after Mabhouh was killed, the United Arab Emirates' foreign minister asked the American ambassador for assistance in the murder investigation. According to one of the cables, the Americans were asked to provide details on three credit cards with the numbers 5115260016006190, 5115260016005317, 5301380032017106.
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A letter addressed to the American envoy included details on evidence gathered by the investigation team in Dubai. The letter claimed that the credit cards used by the assassins were issued in a bank in Iowa. In the cable exposed by WikiLeaks, the American diplomat wrote that the details were transferred to the FBI.
In the letter, Dubai authorities also asked the US to instruct the central bank to gather information on "laundered" money and suspicious transactions made with the credit cards, which they claim were used by Mabhouh's killers.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said more documents related to the Mabhouh assassination would be revealed soon.
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