Several hours after the Tel Aviv District Court convicted former President Moshe Katsav of two counts of rape, one of his victims, A. from the President's Residence, expressed hope she could now turn over a new leaf in her life.
"Seven years ago I first met Moshe Katsav and I hope today marks the end of the seven worst years of my life," she said in a statement. "I heard the verdict. One could not have described what I went through more accurately. I salute the women who gathered the courage and complained and am pleased that the court allowed the truth to come out."
The Katsav affair was first exposed in July 2006 when then-President Katsav complained before Attorney General Menachem Mazuz of being blackmailed by who is now known as A. from the President's Residence. The blackmail issue never resulted in legal procedures but a police investigation launched on Mazuz's order opened a Pandora's box as far as the president's relations with various of his subordinates and ended Thursday upon his conviction.
'Verdict described what I went through accurately' (Photo: Noam Moskowitz)
A., whose complaints were not included in the indictment due to the statute of limitations, said Thursday she was considering her next steps and thanked those who supported her along the way.
"I have been privileged to put an end to the suffering of many women who worked under Moshe Katsav and prevent the suffering of other women. I thank those who believed in me, supported and encouraged me along the way in face of the smear campaign held by Kastav and his men," her statement noted.
Following the reading of the verdict another complainant, A. from the Transportation Ministry said: "This is a happy moment for me and a sad one for the State of Israel. Despite Katsav's disgraceful conduct the legal system proved that truth and justice are paramount in our country."
The attorney of another complainant, A. from the Tourism Ministry said that her client had received the news of the conviction "with tears of relief."
Naama Cohen-Friedman contributed to this report
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