Those opposing the IDF conversions are escalating their battle against Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, who is working to get them approved. In pashkvilim (street announcements) distributed in haredi neighborhoods in Jerusalem over the past few days, it was claimed that the rabbi was "famous for his hypocrisy" and that the members of the committee he chose to examine the issue are heretics.
Two manifestos by leading Lithuanian rabbis, including Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv and members of the haredi Beis Din Tzedek (Court of Righteous Law), were attached to the pashkevils.
"We cannot keep silent" declare the protesters – as they promise more escalation: "Prepare for protest rallies in front of the homes of these heretical 'rabbis' who lampoon God's torah as only the reform Jewry aspires to."
Insult to injury
The pashkevil claims that Rabbi Amar's actions are "insolent and uproot the halacha in a way that hasn't been seen in Israel for dozens of years." The announcement's authors claim that the real meaning of approving the IDF conversions is "taking non-Jews and declaring that they are Jewish, leading to public assimilation. In this move they are adopting the Amsellem (much criticized Shas Knesset member) method where conversions are approved without accepting the torah and the commandments."
The pashkevil
They also claimed that the IDF conversions joined inter-faith marriages, for which they also blame the Rabbinate's civil conversion system: "Examinations of sources within the Rabbinate proved that most Rabbinate converts don't even keep the torah and the commandments. But IDF conversions have added insult to injury in their rebellion against God and his torah."
Rabbis who take part in the conversion approval efforts, which include Rabbi Amar are accused of "total and complete heresy and profanation" – a very serious transgression.
"Secular and reform organizations flaunt 'their' long hoped for conversion with pride, as they teach their heresy and receive a Jewish 'certificate' signed and sealed by the Rabbinate," they added.
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