
Soluto. Analyzing applications
Boxee Box. Best new device?

Israeli start-ups up for international award

Soluto, Boxee nominated for TechCrunch website's Crunchies prize, also known as technological world's Oscars

LAS VEGAS - Two Israeli start-up companies are nominated for the Crunchies Award, the "technology world's Oscars," which are handed out by the TechCrunch website.


Soluto is nominated in the international start-up category. Founded by Tomer Dvir and Ishay Green, it has developed a software analyzing the applications uploaded automatically every time a computer is restarted.


The software presents a screen allowing users to change definitions and cancel the operation of unnecessary applications, thus speeding up their computer.


Boxee is nominated for the Best New Device award thanks to the Boxee Box it launched together with D-Link: A device which can be connected to televisions and the internet and transfer content from other computers on the home network.


The device enables users to watch media services on the Web, presents recommendations from friends, and more.



פרסום ראשון: 01.11.11, 10:06
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